Monday, December 17, 2012

Who I am and why I'm here.

This blog is dedicated mainly to my love of table top gaming with a bit of every day randomness thrown in.  I came across table top gaming and miniatures about 15 years ago when a friend of mine introduced me to Johnny Reb.  A 15mm American Civil War game.  Being young and having no money we played very basic.  No fancy table or terrain or painted minis, just some books under bedsheets for hills and some notebook paper painted blue and brown for roads and rivers.  But the bug had bit.  I've always enjoyed forward thinking and loved playing any game that involved strategy and this to me was the ultimate way to play war without leaving the house.  I quickly expanded my gaming collection adding Flames of War, Brother Vs Brother, Malifaux, and of course Warhammer both Fantasy and 40K.

I don't claim to be an expert on gaming or tactics, and that's not the point of this blog.  It's merely to collect past battles and my random thoughts and experiences with the likes.  You will not find any award winning army lists in here, in fact most likely the opposite.  I tend to find myself leaning towards difficult hard to play lists.  The point of gaming for me is to overcome the challenges, find your way out of the corner when your surrounded.  I can promise most of my battle reports will be ending with my forces beaten and battered but the joy of gaming for me isn't checking off my wins and losses.  It's about hanging out with friends, laying out the battle lines and seeing how the dice fall. 

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